One of the most technique sensitive procedures in the treatment sequence is the surgical removal of the tooth that is to be replaced by dental implants. This is particularly important in the front of the mouth, since any damage to the bone surrounding the tooth could cause an unsatisfactory esthetic result. Another potential problem with damage to the bone is the need for additional bone grafting to create an ideal site for implant placement. Therefore, a special surgical technique is used to remove the tooth that preserves the bone and gum tissue. And minimizes discomfort as well. Since this procedure is so precise, it is usually performed by surgical specialists with extensive experience removing teeth in preparation for dental implants.
Following the surgical removal of the tooth, a bone graft, using bone from another area of the mouth or synthetic bone, is often placed to preserve the socket for placement of the dental implant several weeks later. The bone graft will also facilitate healing and preserve a significant amount of the gum tissue that would normally shrink if the sockets were to collapse during the healing period following removal of the teeth.