Mini implants are often advertised as being the ideal, affordable solution for stabilizing dentures. In addition, numerous websites promote the many benefits of mini implants for stabilizing dentures, as well as the advantages of mini implants over traditional dental implants. These advertisements and websites often claim that mini implants are noninvasive, permanent and affordable, which can be appealing to people with ill-fitting dentures. Unfortunately, these claims are questionable, at best and many patients with mini implants have had to seek treatment elsewhere when the mini implants failed, primarily because they were inappropriately used as a long-term solution for stabilizing dentures.
Mini implants are much smaller in diameter than standard dental implants and they are not strong enough to withstand the pressure created by chewing and biting forces. They were actually designed to be “transitional” implants to stabilize dentures temporarily while the bone is remodeling around the standard dental implants that will be supporting the final denture. They are intended to provide temporary stabilization, not to support a final crown or bridge, or stabilize dentures long-term.
Many patients with uncomfortable lower dentures have found that having just two standard dental implants placed to support a denture, fitted with special attachments that snap onto the dental implants, stabilizes their denture and provides the comfort and security they were seeking. This is an affordable solution to the problem of ill-fitting lower dentures with documented long-term success rates, whereas, there is very little data in the scientific literature demonstrating similar success with mini implants.
Patients experiencing problems with their dentures should seek the advice of their dentist, or a Prosthodontist. As a specialist in tooth replacement, a Prosthodontist is able to evaluate the situation, diagnose the problem, and develop a personalized, long-term solution based on the individual needs of each patient.